Jackie Zammuto WITNESS
Jackie Zammuto is a Program Manager at WITNESS, an organization that makes it possible for anyone, anywhere to use video and technology to protect and defend human rights. She leads WITNESS’ programmatic work in the United States, focusing on the use of video for advocacy and evidentiary purposes in the thematic areas of police accountability, immigrant rights, indigenous rights and beyond. In 2018 she launched Profiling the Police, a collaboration with a Brooklyn-based community organization to explore new methods of using video collections and open source data to expose abuses by the NYPD and begin to illustrate how police abuse is part of a larger systemic problem. She also helps coordinate the development and distribution of WITNESS’ training resources and online platforms, overseeing the production of materials like the Video as Evidence Field Guide and Forced Evictions Advocacy Toolkit. Zammuto has over seven years of experience training and collaborating with grassroots activists, educators and organizers on issues related to forced evictions, militarized policing, gender-based violence, climate justice, and more. Prior to WITNESS, Zammuto worked as a Producer and Project Manager for the award-winning Free State Studios. She holds a B.S. in Broadcast Production Journalism and Women’s Studies from the University of Colorado.